After years of Japan reporting unprecedented low birth rates, the Tokyo government has stepped up to take matters into its own hands. How? By creating its very own Tinder-like dating app.

How to Sign Up

This isn’t an app for short flings, one-night stands or infidelity. To even register for the app, users will be asked to submit documentation that shows they are legally single. You’ll also have to sign a letter stating that you are willing to get married. In Japan, it’s fairly common for dating apps to ask for your income, but the Tokyo government’s app goes one step further, requesting an official tax certificate slip to prove your annual salary. Other personal information that’s required includes height, educational background, occupation and more. Lastly, there will be an interview process before you can be approved.

The amount of steps involved might seem excessive, but a spokesperson from the app said it’s about providing a sense of security and encouragement to those who have been hesitant about using traditional apps. 

You can register for the app here.

Will This Even Work?

We hope so. Because the government has allegedly allocated a total of ¥500 million for this app and other marriage promotion activities. Many individuals are skeptical about it. Some have complained that having a tax certificate requirement will create barriers for those from a lower income background. Others have also questioned the efficacy of this measure, suggesting the budget would have been better allocated towards policies that raise incomes and incentivize marriage through providing economic benefits to couples.

The app is said to launch as early as summer 2024.

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