If the path to enlightenment were through the stomach- ice cream would be my personal vehicle. However, for many food (or lack there of) is the source of suffering.
Ice cream aside, I am enjoying the good and simple vegetarian wholefoods that are served at the Monastery and applaud the cooks who have the mammoth task of cooking for a group of our size! As a vegetarian I am inspired by the delicious food that is judiciously and creatively prepared using beans, eggplant, potato, rice, tofu, Tibetan bread, to name a few.
We are currently in the middle of 9 days of precepts where we take daily vows- amongst them is the commitment to eat only once daily (lunch). Although some are struggling with the decreased intake, I have yet to feel hungry – although I’ll be happy to rekindle my love affair with porridge when precepts end!
We always eat breakfast and lunch in silence which I enjoy for it’s power to bring mindfulness and a deep sense of gratitude to the food we are so fortunate to eat.
Try this Meal Meditation:
Consider all the people who helped to bring the food you are eating to the plate before you- from the farmer who purchased the seeds; the driver who brought the vegetables to market and those who prepared the food. Don’t forget all the conditions that supported this process: the bee’s, sun, rain and so much more. We are all connected.