Happy New Year, Tokyoites. The beginning of the year always lends itself to starting fresh, but this year there’s a complete reset in the stars as well. Mercury finishes its retrograde neatly on New Year’s Day, and with several planets in goal-oriented Capricorn this month, we have the all-clear to charge forward with solid goals in mind. On January 20, we’ll witness one of the most important transits of the year as Pluto enters Aquarius, where it will stay for nearly two decades. 2024 looks to be a year of transformation and evolution for the collective. 

Keep reading below for this month’s monthly horoscopes, and make sure to check both your sun and rising signs.

Capricorn January Horoscope

Happy birthday, Caps! In many ways, you’re on a roll right now. Not only are we in your season, but Mercury, Mars and Venus are all in your home sign this month — and there’s a new moon in Capricorn on January 11 as well.  All this means that the first half of January is a great time for you to solidify your game plan for the year. Check out our café recs for some quality grind time to write out your to-dos for the year (we know you like lists).

Aquarius January Horoscope

Your time to shine is coming soon, Aquarius. You might have been feeling trapped lately, or at the very least, your feet have been firmly on the ground in earthy Capricorn season, but you’re about to sprout wings with the advent of your solar return later this month. As an air sign, you like the lawlessness of flight, but being on the ground isn’t a bad thing. Take all the learning you’ve done the past month and spring into action this year. Things are about to feel very cinematic; listen to some city pop jams as the soundtrack to your life.

Pisces January Horoscope

Saturn has been your home sign since March 2023, meaning that you’ve grown a lot in the last year, Pisces. It may have been an uncomfortable experience, but you’ve put in the work to heal old wounds. You might be noticing that, as the memory of pain starts to fade, you’ll start feeling lighter and more curious again. Seek out others who have reflected deeply on their identity, and get inspired to flourish this new year.

Aries January Horoscope

It’s truly “new year, new you,” Aries — January marks a time of transformation for you. With your ruling planet Mars in serious Capricorn, you’ll feel inspired to take tangible steps towards all the dreams and plans you’ve been ruminating on. This New Year, visit your neighborhood shrine for hatsumode and really reflect on what you want to accomplish going forward.

Taurus January Horoscope

As Mercury concludes its retrograde, you’re entering the new year ready to explore and try new things. This month, accept all the excitement that the new year brings in, and try not to set any rigid rules or confine yourself to anything. Expand your imagination by visiting an art installation that looks at the world in out-of-the-ordinary ways.

Gemini January Horoscope

This month is the epitome of the calm before the storm for you, Gemini. Following a super social holiday season, Capricorn is now in your zone of transformation, which means you might feel a decrease in your social battery this month. Use this time for reflection, because the surface may look calm right now but this year will bring about some waves. Do some solo traveling to an onsen town during this momentary quiet.

Cancer January Horoscope

It’s a big month for your relationships, Cancer. With the new moon on January 11, you may feel some resentments or troubles you’ve had with a romantic partner start to surface. But with Venus entering Capricorn, you’ll feel a large capacity for compassion. Love big with your soft heart — it’s what you do best. If you’re single, January is a good time for you to get out there as well.

Leo January Horoscope

This month is all about striking a balance between your personal, work and social worlds. Find time to ground yourself in each sphere, but don’t fear the chaos of change. With a full moon in your home sign on January 26, you’ll have the chance to really reflect on your natural talents and get in tune with your year’s trajectory. See what Japanese ingredients can teach you about balanced living this month.

Virgo January Horoscope

With Mercury going direct in fun-loving Sagittarius, you’ll feel a burst of energy to start off the year. Welcome this sense of childlike wonder and play; if you’re always too diligent, you’ll burn yourself out. Check out some themed museums to get in the spirit of exploration without feeling too goofy (you’ll get there some day).

Libra January Horoscope

Welcome home, Libras. With Mercury, Mars, Venus and January 11’s new moon all in your zone of  home and ancestral roots, this month is the perfect time to return to yourself. Do some beginning-of-year cleaning, Marie Kondo-style. You’re going to feel lighter and all the sparks of joy, trust me.

Scorpio January Horoscope

You experienced some difficulties last year, Scorpio, and learned to lean on friends and family. Starting with the new moon on January 11, you’ll feel a surge of inspiration and strength to not only stand on your own, but also to create some of your own works. Explore Tokyo from a poetic lens for some extra inspiration. 

Sagittarius January Horoscope

With Mercury going direct in your home sign on January 1, it’s looking like a year of manifestation for you, Sag. Listen closely to your own philosophy and don’t steer from your ethos. Consider getting yourself an object that reminds you of what you’ve set out to do this year, whether it’s an omamori amulet from the shrine or a ceramic sculpture.

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