Ever been so much in love that you wanted to yell “I love you!” at the top of your lungs?
(If you haven’t, get working on it.) In an effort to show that Japanese husbands are not always reserved in showing their affection, the organization Aisaika teamed up with the florist agency Hibiya Kadan for their seventh annual “Adoring Husbands Contest.” According to their site, the Aisaika group “was initiated by middle-aged men who had come to think that good and sustainable marital relationship[s] may very well lead to world peace and preservation of the global environment.” Even if world peace may be a tough reach, there’s nothing wrong with spreading a little love, however you choose to do it. The group claims that they are breathing life into an old tradition, one that dates back to a legendary ruler who was moved by his wife’s sudden death to cry out his devotion to her. One also hopes that he was as effusive beforehand, too…
This year, 21 husbands gathered at Hibiya Park to let the world know their feelings. You can see a video of last year’s contest below. We’re not recommending that you need do the same thing this Valentine’s Day, but hopefully these guys might give you a bit of inspiration to step it up this year.
–Alec Jordan