Indonesian police have captured a convicted terrorist who escaped from the Jakarta Police’s detention facility by disguising himself as a woman wearing a burqa early last month.
Roki Apris Dianto was arrested in Madiun bus terminal in East Java on Monday. “He was on a bus going from Surabaya to Surakarta,” National Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Boy Rafli Amar said Tuesday. Roki, who continued to wear a burqa in public, was in Surabaya to meet one of his wives, with whom he had been staying with since his escape, police said.
Authorities are after other suspected terrorists who allegedly assisted Roki’s escape from prison and had carried out bomb attacks on churches, mosques and police stations in Central Java between 2009 and 2011, Jakarta Globe reports.
Roki had served less than a year of his six-year jail term for terrorism when he broke out of the facility wearing a burqa. Police found Roki’s cell empty at the end of visiting hours on November 6 when he did not have any visitors.
Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Rikwanto said the police would dispatch female officers to guard the detention center and search women in burqas as they leave the high-security prison.