While navigating Tokyo by car is not always our first choice, we do love driving around the streets on for wheels instead of in a crowded train from time to time – and we like to drive in style. To match our automobile special in our Sept-Oct issue, here are our favorite accessories to cruise the city, preferably with the roof down.

¥190,300, acnestudios.com
1. Acne Studios Leather Jacket
Nothing says “cruising” like a classic leather biker jacket. Swedish brand Acne Studios has grown a reputation for their well-made, durable leather jackets. We think black is always in fashion, but keep an eye out for limited-edition colorful versions. This jacket is made from 100% leather, so you know it will be warm and comfortable in the colder months.

¥36,100, spektresunglasses.asia
2. Spektre Sunglasses
Aviator glasses have been a closet staple since they were popularized in the 1950s. As they are associated with high speeds, we felt it was natural for us to include a pair in this selection. Made in Italy, Spektre sunglasses elevate the traditional style with a touch of minimalism. Their P2 model is our favorite and comes in three classic colors.

¥2,310,000, naoyahidawatch.com
3. Naoya Hida & Co. Watch
Naoya Hida & Co. watches combine function with craftsmanship. Their timepieces incorporate signature styles inspired by the watch trends of the 1930s and 1960s. Note: Due to high demand and current circumstances, it can be difficult to order Naoya Hida & Co. watches at the moment.

$120, evolgglove.com
4. Evolg Gloves
Driving in colder weather might mean the wheel is ice cold to the touch. Stay warm by keeping a pair of Evolg’s stylish leather gloves, designed right here in Tokyo. Their Zan model offers a cool, diagonal pattern and combines the unique and warm textures of leather and wool. Choose the pair that fits your style between black, navy and brown variations.
This article was published in the Sep-Oct 2021 issue of Tokyo Weekender. To flip through the issue, click the image below.