The energy in Varanasi is very undeniably strong and I am feeling particularly sensitive to it as I complete my Master level in Reiki healing.
It is not uncommon for travelers to the holy city to get sick whch- not all that surprising given the multitude of sick and infirm that come here to die. I also think the very nature of Varanasi opens people to energetic shifts at a deeper level.
I myself was sick this week with sudden and unexplained fever, dizziness, stomach problems etc and am convinced that the holy festival of Shivaratri in conjunction with my Reiki attunements lead me to experience an energetic purge of toxins from my system. I have since met numerous savvy travelers to India who experienced sudden sickness on Shivaratri and just following.
A friend recently met with a professor at a university in Varanasi who is studying the content of the Ganga river. If my memory serves me correctly, one of the things he shared with me is that of the 100 billion litres of waste that enters the holy Ganga River (industrial, sewage, cremated bodies, washing supplies etc) only 3 billion litres go through any filtering system.
In light of this, it has been interesting to watch the rituals of locals at banks of the Ganga- cremating, bathing, drinking, washing clothes etc. Organically green in colour, locals are seldom troubled by Ganga’s contents whereas any visitor who has not developed immunity to such things would be vilely sick.
It certainly makes me grateful for the safe and clean water that the city waterworks provide me at the turn of a tap in the respective homes I’ve had in Japan, Canada and New Zealand. With World Water Day on March 22 this year- take time to appreciate this valuable resource and take measures to conserve.
Om shanti,