In the ensuing diplomatic row, Korean and Chinese businesses are struggling to keep their shops open amid intimidation from Japanese patriots.
Korea Town in Tokyo, a thriving place for anything Korean, from food to pop culture items, is in danger of being deserted as Japanese protesters direct their outburst at Korean clerks and costumers. Asahi Shimbun reports that protesters are using verbal abuse, yelling “Koreans go home!” and “You are the shame of this country!” to Japanese customers. The protesters are said to be in the minority but there are fears that they may grow in number.
Anti-japanese sentiment in China is also prevalent following the arrests of Hong Kong activists aiming to plant a Chinese flag on the disputed island on the East China Sea. Chinese protesters smashed Japanese made police cars and vandalized Japanese restaurants. Ambassador to China Uichiro Niwa’s diplomatic car was attacked by a man in Beijing. The Chinese government is trying to put a lid on activism.