Born and raised in Shigaraki, Katsunori Sawa developed a close affinity for pottery since his childhood and further honed his skills in Mino. Meanwhile, Hiroyumi Suzuki encountered pottery during his university years and started his pottery career in Shigaraki and Iga after studying in Korea. This exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of the two ceramic artists’ works, focusing on a diverse range of sake ware and tableware that showcase their mastery of various techniques, including Mino ware, Joseon ware, and the distinctive yakishime style found in Shigaraki ware. The texture of the clay and glaze, the subtle nuances of firing, and the exquisite craftsmanship evident in their forms and decorations evoke a reminiscent allure that once enchanted medieval aesthetics and embody the rich individuality of each artist. These works are not only meant to be appreciated but also treasured and used for years to come.
Talks with the two artists are held on July 7 and 8.
Note: The exhibition detail is subject to change. Please check the gallery website or Instagram page for the latest information.