Maiko, or apprentice geisha, are professional entertainers who attend to guests during meals. Many people from around the world visit Kyoto just for the chance to see maiko, but some have found it difficult to actually book a maiko, or have been taken aback by the price once they do.

Enter Kyoto Granbell Hotel, who began offering maiko shows this summer every Friday for a reasonable price (3,500 yen for hotel guests, 5,000 yen for others) which includes one free drink.

In addition to talking to the maiko, guests get to see their elegant dance performances, play traditional games and take photographs. Senjyafuda, the elegant business cards used by maiko, can be taken home.

Limited to 30 seats each night. Reservations can be made by telephone or at reception.

For more details, see the official website or PR TIMES (Japanese only)