This October 13 and 14, make your way to Saitama to check out the Saitama Wabi Sabi Festival, an open-air festival held at Omiya Park near Hikawa Shrine. The festival features a variety of traditional Japanese cultural events such as bonsai, calligraphy, flower arrangement and more. Guests can try these activities out for themselves with hands-on lessons.

Aside from traditional events, the festival will feature spectacular performances by young Japanese artists who are active on the global stage. When the sun goes down, enjoy a Noh play with an easy-to-follow commentary for beginners.

The festival will also feature a wide range of local Saitama food including Japanese sweets, produce and even sake. Special guests include Shinji Takeda, Chitose Hajime, Koji Yamaguchi and more. Entry to the venue is free.

Make your way to Saitama Wabi Sabi Festival for a fun cultural weekend!

For more information, see the official English site or PR TIMES (Japanese only)