Someone should alert the Internet, because a little bit of it is being broken by a troupe of commuting guinea pigs at a zoo in Nagasaki.

At the Nagasaki Bio Park, located about an hour north of Nagasaki City in the town of Saikai, the staff have found a unique say to get their guinea pigs to move from one enclosure to the other: they set down a bridge that lets the little critters move from space to space, which they do in the most orderly of fashions, as Rocketnews24 recently pointed out.

But as everyone knows, there’s no breaking of the internet unless we’re dealing with outsized booty, or overwhelming cuteness. So how does this guinea pig drawbridge commute rank on the Scale of Internet Breaking? After watching this Vine (uploaded by a user named tabi) for the last 15 minutes, we stopped trying to decide, so we’ll leave it up to you. It’s just one more thing among many to put on your list for a trip down to Nagasaki

—Alec Jordan
